• think like a pilot™ • thrive • rules of engagement • Can't afford beyonce •

why think like a pilot?

why think like a pilot?

why think like a pilot?

Through "pilot thinking," Bobby has found a fascinating path to happiness, efficiency, and success. His unique and invigorating keynotes are able to captivate audiences, and inspire real change.

Through "pilot thinking," Bobby has found a fascinating path to happiness, efficiency, and success. His unique and invigorating keynotes are able to captivate audiences, and inspire real change.

Through "pilot thinking," Bobby has found a fascinating path to happiness, efficiency, and success. His unique and invigorating keynotes are able to captivate audiences, and inspire real change.

It is a GIFT to feel happy, productive, and purpose-driven, and busy -- but busy in the right way. I want to show people how to pursue a new perspective... a new way to think that can change your life.

It is a GIFT to feel happy, productive, and purpose-driven, and busy -- but busy in the right way. I want to show people how to pursue a new perspective... a new way to think that can change your life.

featured keynote

featured keynote

unlimited seats

30-90 minutes

bobby dutton


Pilots deal with stress all the time -- and yet, we joke about the fact that pilots always sound so calm that they're almost bored. How is that possible, when they are traveling at lethal speeds with hundreds of lives depending on their every move?

In this session, we'll explore how pilots are trained to manage stress and thrive in an environment that would be overwhelming for most. Then we'll discuss how we can apply these techniques to our own work and thinking.

This unique presentation will take attendees out of their world and into the cockpit, sparking ideas, action, and deep engagement.

Key Topics & Takeaways

Learn about the way pilots are trained to process and manage information effectively.

Learn about the importance of efficient communication in aviation.

Boil down "pilot thinking" into a universal process that can help you prioritize more effectively.

Learn how to apply these methods, and incorporate them into your own process.





  • Think Like A Pilot™

    Rise above stress, and conquer 'busyness' syndrome

    Pilots deal with stress all the time -- and yet, we joke about the fact that pilots always sound so calm that they're almost bored. How is that possible, when they are traveling at lethal speeds with hundreds of lives depending on their every move?

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Can't Afford Beyonce

    Re-Thinking Concerts for a More Connected Audience

    This session will help producers depend less on the artist as the primary source of value for concert programs, and empower them to focus more on a sustainable, student-oriented tradition that can compete in today's connected culture.

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Rules of Engagement

    Quantifying the intangible & elevating decision making

    When everyone has an opinion, and programming budgets can be scarce, we need to figure out how to consistently and objectively evaluate events - without stripping away the subjective magic that might just be the most critical driver of success.

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Thrive

    Work, Life, and How to Crush Both

    We are too busy. We're always stressed. We tell ourselves that if we just get through [ insert imaginary milestones here ], we'll be calm and happy. In this session, we'll learn how to be pragmatic, focused, and HAPPY, all while being insanely productive.

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Think Like A Pilot™

    Rise above stress, and conquer 'busyness' syndrome

    Pilots deal with stress all the time -- and yet, we joke about the fact that pilots always sound so calm that they're almost bored. How is that possible, when they are traveling at lethal speeds with hundreds of lives depending on their every move?

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Can't Afford Beyonce

    Re-Thinking Concerts for a More Connected Audience

    This session will help producers depend less on the artist as the primary source of value for concert programs, and empower them to focus more on a sustainable, student-oriented tradition that can compete in today's connected culture.

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Rules of Engagement

    Quantifying the intangible & elevating decision making

    When everyone has an opinion, and programming budgets can be scarce, we need to figure out how to consistently and objectively evaluate events - without stripping away the subjective magic that might just be the most critical driver of success.

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Thrive

    Work, Life, and How to Crush Both

    We are too busy. We're always stressed. We tell ourselves that if we just get through [ insert imaginary milestones here ], we'll be calm and happy. In this session, we'll learn how to be pragmatic, focused, and HAPPY, all while being insanely productive.

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Think Like A Pilot™

    Rise above stress, and conquer 'busyness' syndrome

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Can't Afford Beyonce

    Re-Thinking Concerts for a More Connected Audience

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Rules of Engagement

    Quantifying the intangible & elevating decision making

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Thrive

    Work, Life, and How to Crush Both

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Think Like A Pilot™

    Rise above stress, and conquer 'busyness' syndrome

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Can't Afford Beyonce

    Re-Thinking Concerts for a More Connected Audience

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Rules of Engagement

    Quantifying the intangible & elevating decision making

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

  • Thrive

    Work, Life, and How to Crush Both

    unlimited seats

    30-90 minutes

    bobby dutton

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Enter your email to get exclusive offers, event details, and insights from Bobby Dutton and the Think Like A Pilot™ team to inspire your organization to fly higher!

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Enter your email to get exclusive offers, event details, and insights from Bobby Dutton and the Think Like A Pilot™ team to inspire your organization to fly higher!

Explore the value of "Thinking Like A Pilot" as business leader Bobby Dutton explains the process of "pilot thinking," Through unique and invigorating keynotes, he can captivate audiences, and inspire real change for the better.

© 2024 - think like a pilot ® | all rights reserved

Explore the value of "Thinking Like A Pilot" as business leader Bobby Dutton explains the process of "pilot thinking," Through unique and invigorating keynotes, he can captivate audiences, and inspire real change for the better.

© 2024 - think like a pilot ® | all rights reserved

© 2024 - think like a pilot ® | all rights reserved