Tips & Tricks


bobby dutton



When our attention is stretched between a multitude of things, we're unable to focus on any one of them well.

And that's not a good feeling.

We spend time buried in emails, searching for something to watch, or scrolling through content on social media. In those moments, our minds are blurry, unfocused, and… well… a little bit lost.

The opposite of that "blurry" feeling is LASER FOCUS, and it's refreshing. Even if we're just watching a show or movie that we're really into, there's a certain relief that comes from knowing exactly what we're paying attention to. That's why we like to binge a great show — not only do we enjoy the content… our brains CRAVE that permission to finally just to one thing at a time.

The world gives us a LOT to pay attention to, and it can be exhausting.

To overcome that feeling, we need to learn to compartmentalize. Great calendaring can help transform vague work-stress into a series of focused, specialized chunks. This is what leads to productivity, results, and a to-do list that actually shrinks as you pick off the right tasks in the right order.

Here are some tips to pursue this compartmentalized approach:

  1. Make your calendar as complete and accurate as possible.

  2. Include times where you DO need to broaden your focus and see the big picture. Use that time to strategize how you'll focus on which things in what order, to conquer them on your terms.

  3. Minimize the things that can hijack your attention: notifications, distractions, etc.

  4. Learn to identify moments when you're losing focus. Figure out what helps you get it back. A break? A walk? A coffee?

  5. Learn to identify those moments of hyperfocus. This is flow state, and the more proactively you can find it, the better.

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Explore the value of "Thinking Like A Pilot" as business leader Bobby Dutton explains the process of "pilot thinking," Through unique and invigorating keynotes, he can captivate audiences, and inspire real change for the better.

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